Mural Showcase

“Grimm’s Weg” Mural in Downtown Alpine Helen, GA

by Artists Katie Kuykendall and Ken Hardeman

Commissioned by Helen Hat Company and Wicked and Wise

About “Grimm’s Weg” Mural

Katie is currently in the process of creating her first custom, monumental, site-specific, hand-painted mural in Downtown Alpine Helen, Georgia. She is collaborating with Retired Master Stained Glass Artist, Ken Hardeman.

This mural is approximately 2200+ square feet in size, is painted free-hand, using a free-style approach, is done in full-color, and is directly inspired by the North Georgia Landscape as well as the creative minds of Katie and Ken collectively.

This mural is commissioned by two established Helen Businesses Owners: Kim Rogoski of “Helen Hat Company” and Kimmie Bryson of “Wicked and Wise” (formerly, “Jesters’s Magic Dragon"). These two business owners hired Katie and Ken in an effort to beautify an otherwise run-down and unappreciated alleyway between their two businesses and add beauty, culture and experiential art to the Downtown region of Alpine Helen, GA.

The mural is estimated to be completed in Spring 2024 and the work in progress is currently on view in Downtown Helen at 8620 N Main St, Helen, GA 30545 between the aforementioned shops. If you’re lucky, you will catch the Artists at work!

Katie Kuykendall, Artist

Ken Hardeman, Artist

Helen Hat Company in Helen, GA

Wicked and Wise in Helen, GA

A portfolio of progress photos of “Grimm’s Weg” Mural…

These photos showcase the progress that Artists Katie Kuykendall and Ken Hardeman have made during the 2023 year. This piece started with a colored pencil rendering by Ken who brought to life Kim’s vision. Next, Katie and Ken outlined with black marker their own additions to this original rendering, both working intuitively when deciding what to add next. Next, they began to block out color with paint and brushes. Next, they refined sections and added details with more paint. Final details are to be completed in Spring 2024 and more photos will be added here periodically as the Artists progress. Please come experience this work of extraordinary art for yourself.